How to craft problem, user persona and goal statement
UX Design

In UX design, the problem statement, persona, and goal statement are essential components that help designers to create effective solutions for their users. These components enable designers to understand the users' needs, motivations, and behaviors, which are crucial to delivering a successful user experience. Let's dive deeper into each component and why they are important in UX design.

Problem Statement

The problem statement is a clear and concise description of the issue that the design solution is intended to address. The problem statement should follow this structure:

Devit is a dog owner who needs a dog take care while he is on his trip because he doesn’t want to leave his dog alone and uncleaned.

Creating a problem statement is essential because it provides focus and direction for the design process. Without a clear problem statement, designers may waste time creating solutions that do not address the user's needs. A well-crafted problem statement ensures that the design solution is relevant, impactful, and effective.

User persona

A persona is a fictional character that represents a user group. It is based on research and includes information about the user's behavior, goals, motivations, and pain points. The persona should be created in a way that accurately reflects the needs and behaviors of the target user group. The persona statement should follow this structure:

As a store owner, I want to have a loyalty program in a digital way so that my staffs won’t make mistakes and easy to do auditing.

Personas are important in UX design because they provide a clear understanding of the target user group. They enable designers to empathize with users and create solutions that meet their needs. Personas also help to ensure that the design solution is tailored to the user group, resulting in a better user experience.

Goal Statement

The goal statement is a clear and concise statement that describes what the design solution aims to achieve. It should be framed in a way that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The goal statement should also align with the problem statement and the user's needs (stated at user persona). The persona statement should follow this structure:

Our password indicator will let Bakong user create password more effectively which will affect the number of frustration of user when create Bakong account by knowing the password requirements. We will know by seeing the green text of listed requirements.

Creating a goal statement is essential because it provides a clear direction for the design solution. It enables designers to create solutions that are focused and aligned with the user's needs. The goal statement also provides a way to measure the success of the design solution, ensuring that it is effective and impactful.


the problem statement, persona, and goal statement are essential components in UX design. They provide focus, direction, and clarity to the design process, ensuring that the resulting solution meets the user's needs. By understanding the user's needs, motivations, and behaviors, designers can create solutions that are tailored to the user group, resulting in a better user experience.


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